NINETYs X Little Rabbit Fleur
Mother’s Day Floral Workshop
In collaboration with Little Rabbit Fleur, a Hong Kong local brand of floral workshop passionates about teaching. NINETYs is going to launch a floral workshop at NINETYs Wan chai to celebrate Mother’s Day! Serving NINETYs tea set and enjoy a great moment !
Don’t miss this chance & register now !
Date: 3rd May 2021
TIME: 15:00 - 18:00
FEE: $ 680 per person
Include NINETYs tea set & one floral box
(size: 23 x 18 x 12 )
TOTAL PAX : 4 - 8 people in a class
DEADLINE: 30th Apr 2021
*Workshop will be cancelled if the enrolment less than 4 students.